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Evaluation of the impact of Agricultural by-products on the Integrated Production of Merchantable Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus (Linné, 1758) and rice (Oryza Glaberrima, Steud, 1853) in Bonoufla, Côte d'Ivoire

The trials involved 60,132 GBEBI rice (Oryza glaberrima) seedlings and 4,703 tilapia juveniles with an average weight of 38 ±9.16 g fed with two complementary diets: (AC), (ASF) and a natural food (AN). Stocking density was 1.5 fish/m2. Nine ponds were used, 3 of which were randomly allocated to each feeding treatment to assess fish growth and rice production. Daily rations of 3% of the reared fish biomass were distributed in two meals (9 am and 3 pm). Rice seedlings were transplanted at a spacing of 25 cm x 20 cm.

Effect of Emotional Maturity on Academic Achievement and social Adjustment among College Students

The present study aims to investigate the effect of emotional maturity on academic achievement and social adjustment among college students. Emotional maturity is the ability to manage our emotions which helps us to achieve our goals and desires. On the other hand, adjustment is to make a change in our behavior patterns and needs just to balance a situation. Both concepts play important roles in the lives of students. For this purpose, 140 students of BA-2nd semester (boys and girls) were selected from different colleges of South 24 Paragans district of West Bengal.

Manejo e conduta do anestesista para pacientes testemunhas de jeová em casos de Trauma e Hemorragia

Introdução: Em 2010 no Brasil, havia cerca de 1.393.208 adeptos da religião Testemunhas de Jeová em 12.135 congregações. São pacientes que não aceitam transfusões de sangue total ou de seus componentes primários, não doam sangue, nem o armazenam para seu próprio uso se necessário, embasados em preceitos bíblicos. Nos casos de trauma ou hemorragia, o anestesista deve lançar mão de tecnologias disponíveis para contornar a não transfusão sanguínea e conseguir um prognostico favorável.

Need for Physiotherapy in Rural Areas

Physical challenges affect a large number of people worldwide. Physiotherapy is an important part of health treatment that addresses some of these challenges effectively. There is little data on the percentage of the rural population that uses physiotherapy and how that lack of use affects them. Some of the papers referred to in this paper show that there is very little awareness of physiotherapy in the rural areas of a developing country. While the studies cited show that physiotherapy treatment is beneficial, lack of physiotherapy centres has forced patients to go without treatment.

Comparison of Miyawaki Afforestation Method with Alternate Afforestation Models of Peepalbaba and Auroville

As the Miyawaki afforestation method is gaining popularity all over the world, it is important to understand implications of using this method. The most attractive feature ofthis method is the speed of growth of the forest. Within three years, a fully-grown, self-sustaining forest is ready. It also has various layers of a natural forest - grass, shrubs, small trees and canopy trees – that enables it to mimic the natural forest. However, Miyawaki forest is an expensive proposition. It needs at least Rs. 30-40 lakhs ($36000 – 48000) per hectare to grow the forest.

Automobile Business in the Digital ERA

We have carried out research in the fields of implications, the future growth and the arious trends seen in the automobile industry of the digital era. We have also conducted a survey based on 10 questions and asked a few people to fill it and have analysed the responses of the same. We have conducted an analysis of the overall impact of digitization of the various facilities on the industry of automobiles.

A importancia da anestesia regional de tórax: Revisão da Literatura

Introdução: A anestesia regional tem sido extensivamente estudada devido a uma série de aspectos que visam maior segurança, minimização de complicações peri e pós-operatórias, incluindo-se a necessidade do uso de opióides e o manejo da dor, e até aqueles de âmbito econômico como tempo reduzido de internação hospitalar, entre outros. Com o advento das cirurgias minimamente invasivas, enfatiza-se a necessidade de abordagens relacionadas às técnicas de anestesia regional, como um complemento à anestesia geral.

Using Moving Grids Method for Water Depth Evolution study in the Coupled System Saint Venant-Exner Equation

In this paper, the moving grids method based on the method of lines is used to simulate the Saint Venant-Exner coupled system where we focus on the water depth evolution. To illustrate the efficiency and accuracy property of the present method, we compare the computed solutions with a reference one obtained using a very fine mesh. The calculations give good agreement between reference solutions and numerical solutions.

The Influencing factors of quality Health Care delivery and nhis Accessibility: A Fresh Empirical Evidence from the Greater Accra Metropolis, Ghana

In low-income economy such as Ghana, most citizens have poor access to quality health delivery (QHD). Healthcare system in Ghana suffers from numerous challenges that affect people accessibility to quality health care. This research investigates the comprehensive dynamics influencing the quality of healthcare in Ghana, focusing on the interplay between government funding (GF), human resource management (HRM), demoralization of health workers (DHW), healthcare infrastructure (HCI), and work attitude and ethics (WAE).

Pé Torto Congênito: Acompanhamento de Pacientes Tratados pelo Método Ponseti em um Ambulatório de Referência no Extremo Norte do Brasil

A deformidade do pé torto é uma das anomalias mais comuns que afetam as extremidades inferiores. Este estudo relata dados funcionais e clínicos de pacientes com pé torto congênito em tratamento pelo método Ponseti no município de Macapá, constituindo um estudo transversal do tipo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa.