Technological Representations in Brave New World: From Genetic Manipulations to Dehumanization

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Technological Representations in Brave New World: From Genetic Manipulations to Dehumanization



The issues of technological discoveries and its wonders have been of great interest to the literary world for a long time. Yet, with regards to the depiction of characters in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, further analyses need to be conducted as to the best ways or strategies for the proper management of technological knowledge and inventions are concerned. This paper, through a technocritical approach, analyses the literary representations of technology and shows how Huxley proceeds through genetic manipulations to create predestined and classified characters whose life has been conditioned to match with the collective ideology set by the World State. It advocates that, technological discoveries which go in line with ethics, immensely contribute to the development of society. Therefore, the unethical use of technology must be condemned and the awareness of people using technological devices must be raised to promote a responsible management of technological discoveries.

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