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Human development in Islam Children's Development

Human development has garnered significant global attention in recent times, encompassing various fields such as economics, environment, society, education, health, and more. Each field has its proponents, theorists, practitioners, and advocates working towards achieving and promoting development. However, one of the most sensitive and crucial aspects of development is human development, which has encountered conflicting ideas and underexplored theories, leading to a proliferation of both wise and unwise propositions.

A democracia representativa brasileira: Desafios no contexto da diversidade étnica e racial

O presente artigo objetiva a análise dos desafios enfrentados pela democracia representativa brasileira em relação à ausência de diversidade e representatividade constituem o objeto do presente artigo. Inicialmente, buscou-se a análise da desigualdade no contexto da representação política, refletida nas dimensões de gênero, etnia e classe social.

Women role and education rights

The national emergency made it clear that a democratic society can be strengthened only when its citizens are enlightened and understand the full implications of their responsibilities and rights. It was, therefore, imperative that in a state of emergency, the programme of education should be strengthened and promoted even more than in ordinary times. The National Council, therefore, resolved that there should be no cut in women's education programmes on account of the national emergency because such a cut is likely to be detrimental to the defence effort.

Assessing the link between budgeting, strategic planning, and control in shaping profitability: Evidence from manufacturing companies in equatorial Guinea

Budgeting, planning and controlling have become important concern for every organization that strives to survive and achieve profitability in a dynamic and competitive business environment. A comprehensive organizational structure underpinned by a strategic management function such as budgeting, planning and controlling is a pivotal hallmark for maximizing profit which can subsequently snowball to other superior performances. Some organizations are suffocating financially in this current economic crisis due to lack of proper planning, controlling and budgeting.

Filière Riz: Opportunité et Perspective pour L’économie locale dans la commune de Tanda, Région de Dosso au Niger

Cet article traite des opportunités et perspectives du développement de la filière riz dans la commune de Tanda. L’activité rizicole a connu un regain d’intérêt au cours de vingt (20) dernières années suite à des dynamiques de changement de l’occupation des sols, des conditions climatiques, hydrographiques favorables. A cela s’ajoute une position géographique créant un environnement économique propice avec deux frontières et des grands marchés régionaux.

Impact of Capacity Building and Training in Dairy Farmers in Bangladesh

The dairy industry is a major source of employment, and income for rural population and for supply of nutrition. The dairy industry is dominated by a small holders having 1-3 and accounting for over 90% of milk production in the country. Hence, the capacity building of all the operators (small holders, collectors, milk traders, dairy processors) and supporters (livestock health workers, input suppliers, and government and non-government institutions) of the dairy value chain is vital to improve productivity, efficiency and returns on capital.

Doenças ocupacionais e o papel dos profissionais de saúde na atenção à saúde do trabalhador

O presente trabalho visa apresentar conceitos, definições e ferramentas necessárias voltadas para saúde do trabalhador e a prevenção de doenças laborais, já que são grandes motivos de busca por atendimento médico, muitas vezes em estágios avançados, nos quais as alternativas assistenciais tornam-se escassas. Dessa forma, é necessário analisar e propor medidas para sanar o problema, tendo como foco as Unidades Básicas de Saúde.

O efeito de uma única sessão de exercício físico sobre o humor de pacientes com Transtornos mentais Graves Internados em uma Clínica Psiquiátrica

Recomenda-se o exercício físico como maneira não farmacológica para a prevenção e tratamento de transtornos psiquiátricos. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos de uma única sessão de treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade (HIIT) no estado de humor de adultos com transtornos mentais graves em um Hospital de Referência.Materiais e Métodos:Ensaio clínico não controlado. Amostra 27 adultos de ambos os gêneros, com esquizofrenia ou transtorno afetivo bipolar.Utilizando uma bicicleta ergométrica vertical.

Conceptual study of Pandu Roga with special reference to Anaemia

As the name indicates Pandu means “Pandustu pitbhagardhah ketaki dhulisannibah’’ That means paleness is compared to pollen grains of Ketaki flower. Pallor is the paleness of skin and mucous membranes either as a result of diminished circulatory red blood cells or diminished blood supply. The word Pandu signifies all those diseases in which body colour becomes pale. In Pandu Roga deficiency of blood is the main symptom. Nowadays anaemia can be correlated with Pandu Roga.