Work ability index for military firefighters

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Work ability index for military firefighters

Rafaela Palhano Medeiros Penrabel, Márcia Regina Martins Alvarenga, Luciana Contrera, Ana Paula de Assis Sales, Sônia Maria de Oliveira Andrade, Odival Faccenda and Patrícia Palhano Medeiros Penrabel


Ability to work is a state of readiness that an individual presents in relation to their occupational requirements, their health conditions, physical and mental characteristics. The profession of military firefighter faces high demand of physical and mental commitment during activities. This article aims to estimate the Work Ability Index (WAI) of military firefighters and verify the factors that interfere in this index. This is a sectional study, with quantitative approach and based on primary data from a stratified sample of 192 firefighters. Association of WAI and independent variables was calculated through univariate analysis and adjusted logistic regression. WAIis categorized in Low, Moderate, Good and Great. Firefighters obtained results of respectively 25.5%, 38.0%, 32.8% and 3.7%, reaching an average score as Good. However, it is important to note that Low/Moderate score occurred in larger scale when compared to other studies with military workers. Age was the factor that most significantly interfered with the index. It is possible to conclude that there are professional firefighters who already have a decreased work capacity and that aging affects WAI directly. Thus, the military corporation should implement actions for recovery and maintenance of good health conditions among firefighters.

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