The way leading to cessation of suffering in buddhism viewpoints

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Review Article

The way leading to cessation of suffering in buddhism viewpoints

Do Thi Thanh Huong


The central goal of Buddhism is to initiate a transformative process that would help people become less capable of perpetrating suffering, stress, and sickness of the mind. The Lord Buddha diagnosed the sickness (suffering), identified its cause (the original cause of suffering), explained that the sickness was curable (the cessation of suffering), and showed the way to treat the sickness (the way leading to the cessation of suffering). In order to solve the causes, there is the threefold training: morality (sīla), meditation (samādhi) and wisdom (paññā) respectively. As he emphasized, “Friends, the evil herein is greed and hate. There is a Middle Way for the abandoning of greed and hate, giving vision, giving knowledge, which leads to peace, to direct knowl¬edge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna”. Middle Way is just this Noble Eightfold Path. It has eight elements: (1) Right view or right understanding; (2) Right thought or right intention; (3) Right speech; (4) Right action; (5) Right livelihood; (6) Right effort; (7) Right mindfulness; (8) Right concentration. These eight elements are divided into three groups or also called Threefold Training of the path: (1) Wisdom (paññā) involves the right view, right thought; (2) Morality (sīla) involves the right speech, right action, and right livelihood; (3) Meditation (samādhi) involves the right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. The ordinary human life described and cherished as progress to happiness that is in fact rooted in suffering. This is because a human being is controlled by greed, hatred, and delusion. To break this cycle, men need to embrace training that will lead to true happiness and peace. Training entails developing oneself so that one is able to lead the life in a beautiful and correct manner pursuing the path that will lead to the cessation of suffering.

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