Utilization of health care services and RCH status in Uttar Pradesh, India

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Utilization of health care services and RCH status in Uttar Pradesh, India


The study attempts to explore the pattern of utilization of RCH services viz. antenatal care, safe deliveries, child immunization and reproductive and child health status (complications during pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery etc.) in the districts of Uttar Pradesh. The linkages of different socio-economic and demographic indicators with utilization of services and RCH status are also studied. The study elicits district wise reproductive health status indices. Further some indices namely; index of social development, health facilities, utilization of services, reproductive morbidities and index of quality of care has been computed for all districts. As a final point, the correlation of these indices with indices of reproductive and child health has been illustrated. The study reveals that utilization of health services and social development depicts strong negative relation with reproductive morbidities.

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