Users’ experience assisted by cuban doctors participating in the more doctors program

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Users’ experience assisted by cuban doctors participating in the more doctors program

Alessandro Diogo De-Carli, André Luiz Botton, Chaiane Emília Dalazen, Melina Raquel Theobald, Ane Milena Macêdo de Castro, Leila Simone Foerster Merey, Sonia Maria de Oliveira Andrade and Mara Lisiane de Moraes dos Santos


Objective: To investigate the users’ experiences under the assistance of Cuban doctors participating in the More Doctors Program. Methods: a qualitative study, conducted with users from the Primary Health Care in a Brazilian capital, whose Cuban doctors were participants in the More DoctorsProgram. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews, fully transcribed and organized according to the Collective Subject Discourse technique. The results were discussed by adopting the theoretical reference of Social Representations. Results: After comprehensive reading, the Central Idea was identified: friendliness, affection, attentive conversation and carefeulconsultation, which guided a revealing speech of interpersonal and technical skills, which were important to the participants. This speech showed anchoring in the satisfactory interaction, inside or outside the clinical setting, and objectification in the caring, simple and popular behavior of Cuban professionals. Conclusions: The participants were satisfied with the physician-patient interaction. The attitude of Cuban professionals during consultationsand in the environment of the Basic Health Units were valued, with emphasis on attention, friendliness, careful consultation,qualified listening and horizontal relationship.

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