Therapeutic evaluation of dressing with yashtimadhu ghrit in postoperative wound for analgesic effect

International Journal of Development Research

Therapeutic evaluation of dressing with yashtimadhu ghrit in postoperative wound for analgesic effect


Pain creates uneasiness in human, compel him to rest. Postoperative pain can cause restlessness & that’s why many times damage to suturing material, wound dehiscence causing incisional hernia or recurrent hernia. There are many methods to relieve pain like psycho prophylactic preparation, use of nerve blocks, continuous epidural analgesia and spinal opoids in major operatives. In postoperative period many times parenteral and oral analgesics are used which includes NSAIDS, morphin derivatives and central pain inhibitors. These drugs may cause side effects and hypersensitivity reactions. Sushruta , the father of surgery , mentioned Yashtimadhu ghrit for local use to get pain relief. So the study was carried out to get any alternative and cost effective management for pain relief which will have less or no any side effect. The results obtained are very encouraging. Yashtimadhu and ghrit both are very easily available around us and could be easily used without any fear of side effect.

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