Teachers vocabulary teaching stragties: the case of selamber primary school, benishangul-gumuz region, assosa

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Teachers vocabulary teaching stragties: the case of selamber primary school, benishangul-gumuz region, assosa

Shewa Basizew


This study aimed at identifying and analyzing Teachers Preferable Vocabulary Teaching Strategies at Selamber Primary School, Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Assosa.The study revealed the role of the classroom teacher,and it attempted to answer the basic questions- what are the better strategies of vocabulary teaching , and What are the role of the teacher in teaching vocabulary lessons in the selected sample area? In order to achieve the stated objectives, experimental design was employed to a sample population taken from the school - two sample classes 7th AandB were taken as control group and experimental group respectively where averagely 59 students were attending their class.Pretest was given to both sections and the reslt of the test shows poor for both sections.The researcher employed miming and pictorial strategies to experimental group to teach the words and meanings for five consective sessions.Posttest was given to both classes again.The experimental group scored better test result but the control group remained poor.Henece, data collection instruments included, classroom observation before intervention and interviewing English teachers after intervention was made. The collected data were analyzed more of quantatively and to some extent qualitatively. Finally,the study reveals that the better vocabulary test results were registered in experimental group in assisting students through miming and pictorial strategies repeatedly when compared with control group who learned through the traditional ways (Dictionary as a tool to learning meanings) of teaching vocabulary and their respective meanings.

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