Sustaining the heart of education: a study on tagore’s perspective

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Sustaining the heart of education: a study on tagore’s perspective

Priyanka Ojha and Dr. Laxmiram Gope


Tagore state that ‘man is born, both into Nature and the human society.’ Education, Hence, can attain fullness and human life its wholeness. Therefore, the aim of education is to realised fully (Human Potentialities) through, knowledge and action the entire purpose of human life. Tagore want to build or formed modern education with the based on Ancient Indian or Tapovan centric education system which promote the universal love and humanism. Tagore do not believe on any fragmentation or separation, he affirmed that the human knowledge is the product of the joint endeavour and sacrifices of all mankind. It is not confined with any casts, creed, situation, locality and economic standard, its free from all monopoly of any people. Tagore realised that the true education is that which help us realised the fundamental truth. Tagore firmly believed that the human ‘Mukti’ is possible through the realisation of inner self and free from all kind of attachment or bondage from the individuality i.e. attachment towards darkness. Tagore’s song express that the ’amar muktialoialoi’ here aloi means light which remove the darkness of human mind as well physical world, light is the ray (Kiron)that uncover the secrecy of human ignorance and leads to eternity. Within the Tagorian educational doctrine and activities we have seen that Tagore explore his educational experiment with artistic and aesthetic point of view. He firmly believed that education is far from information or knowledge of word it is the means of realising the one own individuality as well as the whole personality. Therefore, in Tagorian education thought and practices, educative process is considered as a heart of education. In his educational experiment namely Santiniketam Tagore wants sustaining the heart of education i.e method of teaching and teacher -students relationship. Here educative process refers to the method of knowledge transformation or dissemination from one pupil to another. In the Tagorian educational experiment teacher and the taught are co-learner they learn to know and judge the things with very closely. Through this thematic paper researchers want to know the aims of education, curriculum, discipline, examination, or evaluative process in association with pedagogic perspective applying in Tagorian University. Keeping the mind of above objective researchers collected primary and secondary data from various authoritative sources such as library, documentary films, newspapers and other means. Through the analysis and interpretation of various data researchers reveals of the heart of education and how to sustained this heart with modern educational process.

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