Supply chain and inventory management: A bibliographic review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Supply chain and inventory management: A bibliographic review

Pedro Tenório de Holanda Rocha Libório


In order for stocks to be used with the lowest level of losses possible, there is a need to use control systems. This scientific article has a review about the stock in general, where it is discoursed on definition, classification and inherent costs as also inventory management, highlighting models and methods for their management. Some of the main indicators used in inventory management are presented, such as physical inventory, inventory accuracy, service level, inventory coverage, demand versus consumption, stock location, inventory reduction and ABC curve. Inventory management helps companies achieve adequate levels of inventory, thus ensuring greater product availability to the consumer with as little inventory as possible. Such control allows the manager to identify flaws and opportunities for improvement in the process. The inventory management theories in the article could be used by inventory managers who seek to improve and optimize their process. This research conducts a review of the main inventory management methods, and the main resources and benefits in stock control. The inventory management techniques described in the article can be implemented by managers without the need for advanced knowledge of statistics and programming. These are fundamental technical practices, which serve as a basis for the possible implementation of inventory management procedures.

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