Supplementation with vitamin d associated to the exercise alters differently to the morphology of the brown adipose tissue in lean and obese rats

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Supplementation with vitamin d associated to the exercise alters differently to the morphology of the brown adipose tissue in lean and obese rats

Vanessa M. Ceglarek, Zoé Maria Guareschi, Bruna R. Correia and Sabrina Grassiolli


Here was evaluated the effect of chronic VD supplementation associated or not to exercise on fat accumulation in Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) from lean and obese male rats. Obesity was induced by administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG; 4g/Kg). Control (CON) received saline. At 30th day, MSG and CON rats were weaned and subdivided in VD supplemented (12µg/Kg) or non-supplemented (NS), Exercised (E) or Sedentary (S). At 86 days of life, the rats were euthanized and white adipose tissue (WAT) and BAT depots weighted. The BAT was submitted to histological analyses. Data are mean ± SEM with ANOVA and Tukey post-test (p<0.05). The VD associated or not to exercise increased WAT depot in CON rats compared to CON-ENS groups. While VD increased BAT proliferation, the VD combined to exercise resulted in higher lipid accumulation in BAT from CON rats (p<0.05); without significant effects in MSG rats. Thus, VD supplementation increases adiposity and induces high proliferation in BAT from CON rats. The association, VD and exercise, promoted higher lipid accumulation in BAT from CON lean rats suggesting an inhibitory effect on BAT function. These responses are absent in BAT from MSG obese rats.

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