Study on determination of free chlorine content in sodium dichloroisocyanurate solution by UV-Vis absorption spetrometry
International Journal of Development Research
Study on determination of free chlorine content in sodium dichloroisocyanurate solution by UV-Vis absorption spetrometry
Received 17th August, 2018; Received in revised form 20th September, 2018; Accepted 26th October, 2018; Published online 30th November, 2018.
Copyright © 2018, Chu Thanh Phong et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The study presents experimental results determining the free chlorine content by UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometry using a calibration curve with the standard solution NaOCl. The chlorine in exists an aqueous solution as HOCl and OCl- depending on pH of media, that are knowm as free chlorine. The maximum absorption wavelengthts of OCl- and HOCl in aqueous media formed from sodium hypochlotrate are 291 and 292 respetively. Based on these wavelenghts OCl- and HOCl content might be determined using UV-Vis absorpton spectrophotometric method resulted in good data.