Studies on variabilty, heritabilty and genetic advance in dahlia (dahlia variabilis L.) genotypes under hill zone of Karnataka

International Journal of Development Research

Studies on variabilty, heritabilty and genetic advance in dahlia (dahlia variabilis L.) genotypes under hill zone of Karnataka


Twenty five genotypes of dahlia were used to study the genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance and correlation for growth and yield contributing characters under Mudigere condition. Significant variations were observed for all twenty different characters studied.  The study indicated that the moderate to high genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were observed for all the characters (more than 20 % value for both GCV and PCV). High heritability (more than 60 %) with high genetic advance as per cent mean was observed for most of the characters.

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