Student profile of psychology: female predominance and double journey

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Student profile of psychology: female predominance and double journey

Leide Silva do Carmo, Idiberto Jose Zotarelli Filho, Maria José C. Oger Affonso and Priscila Belintani


In several private higher education courses increased enrollments has concentrated especially at night. In order to analyze the profile of students of Psychology research was held on the Campus of the Centro Universitário do Norte Paulista. 182 questionnaires were analyzed socio-demographic and identified that the average age of the students was 25.80 and the dominance of women (79), single women (76) and who work in addition to studying (72). Family income varied with the majority of up to 6 minimum wages (83), outside employment, parental assistance and the use of scholarships in payment of the dues. Data from the Federal Council of Psychology show that the same proportion of women in professional performance, coinciding with the data obtained at work. The results show that our most does not belong to the elitist profile, as reported by other authors; but it is worker and fight with great effort to realize his project of life.

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