Strategies for coping with the sars-cov-2 pandemic in a home care service

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Strategies for coping with the sars-cov-2 pandemic in a home care service

Monique Lírio Cantharino de Carvalho, Diego Senna Gabeto, Rosemary Soares Teles, Gleide Regina de Sousa Almeida Oliveira, Simara Espírito Santo de Jesus and Cristiara Allem de Freitas Motta


Objective: To report the experience of adapting assistance to patients in Home Care during the pandemic in a private company in Salvador, Bahia. Methods: Descriptive study, type of experience report, prepared in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, during the period from April to August 2020, based on the interventions carried out by the institution. The study was carried out according to the experience of professionals who work in Home Care in the pandemic period by COVID-19. Results: A contingency plan was prepared for patients and professionals and prioritized risk groups for telemonitoring. The contingency Plan included guidance on individual control measures, strategies for identifying suspected cases (measuring employees' temperature, guidelines and booklets on signs and symptoms, determining isolation and preventing them from attending the company's headquarters if compatible symptoms and seeking for medical assistance). 1,605 patients were followed up, 47 of whom were identified with respiratory symptoms, 10 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Conclusion: It is concluded that Teleconsultations were a viable alternative to maintain the monitoring of patients.

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