A step of the burnout: a study in health professionals in the unit of intensive therapy

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

A step of the burnout: a study in health professionals in the unit of intensive therapy

Thaís Rocha Hernandez GOMES, Rosângela Souza LESSA, Cristina Padre CARDOSO, Diêgo Andrade DE OLIVEIRA, MauroFernandes TELES, Stenio Fernando Pimentel DUARTE and Pedro Fonseca de VASCONCELOS


Syndrome Burnout is a set of physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms resulting from sustained exposure to occupational stressors that lead negative consequences for the individual as a whole. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the prevalence of syndrome Burnout in health professionals in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a Private Hospital in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. To that end, 33 health professionals answered, between January and April 2019, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire and a sociodemographic questionnaire, analyzed by correlation test. The study showed a total of 12 people with at least one high MBI score, six people with moderate to high levels in two dimensions and no cases with the three high dimensions. Emotional exhaustion was the most scored in the study, followed by depersonalization and personal fulfillment. Syndrome Burnout has a gradual onset and therefore early intervention should be performed to prevent the progression of symptoms and avoid negative consequences. The present study demonstrated that high levels of emotional exhaustion are at high risk for triggering Burnout and that having only one job can protect the sufferer from symptoms of this dimension.

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