Sociodemographic characterization of users of total tissue-supported and implant-supported prostheses in the municipality of Macapá, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Sociodemographic characterization of users of total tissue-supported and implant-supported prostheses in the municipality of Macapá, Brazil

Éber Coelho Paraguassu and Anneli Mercedes Celis de Cardenas


Although the number of cases of total edentulism in Brazil is high, no study in Amapá has focused on it. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a sociodemographic characterization of implants-supported total prosthesis users and total prothesis tissue-suported. Two hundred and ninety-nine users of tissue-supported total dentures and 48 users of implant-supported total dentures were surveyed using a sociodemographic questionnaire approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Amapa. As descriptive measures, the mean and standard deviation were utilized to characterize the quantitative variables and absolute and relative frequencies were used to characterize both the qualitative and quantitative variables. The majority of the sample was female, with a mean age of 61 to 70 years and 69% declared themselves Caucasian. The implant-supported prosthesis users showed significantly better family income and higher schooling. To our best knowledge, this is the first such study conducted in Amapá. The study results are clinically relevant for accurately determining the sociodemographic dimensions of the two groups.

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