Silk products in the domestic and foreign trade of turkestan in the late xix - early xx centuries

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Silk products in the domestic and foreign trade of turkestan in the late xix - early xx centuries

Nargiza Alimova


The given article highlights the alternations on an economic life, likewise on the silkworm sphere after conquering the country by Russian Empire. Moreover, this article describes in what way country handicraftsmen spared local traditions and how they attempted to keep customer’s demand on preparing quality of silk objects and rearing the silk in the silkworm. Problems as silkworm production demonstrations were analyzed by local handicraftsmen and industrial plant In Turkistan exhibitions. It was given information as “Silkworm manufacture is significant in trade interactions, government was interested in developing the cotton production, but it did not pay attention on silkworm. Increasing of ready-made textile production which was exported by Russia dropped the opportunity of selling local handicraftsmen’s production in Turkistan. Notwithstanding, Russian textile production was not able to take out cotton cloth from local markets.

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