Seed sweet potato production in aeroponics


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Seed sweet potato production in aeroponics

Mariane Andressa Pinto Stelle Linhares, Luiz Cláudio Garcia, Jaime Alberti Gomes, Anderson Farias, Pedro Henrique Weirich Neto, Carlos Hugo Rocha and Nátali Maidl De Souza


The objective was to verify the possibility of the production of tuberous roots of sweet potatoes in an aeroponic systemin order to use these roots as seeds. The research was developed at the State University of Ponta Grossa (PR – Brazil). There were performed four attempts for the developing ofone aeroponic system in a greenhouse, involving experiments with structures and nutrient solutions for seven sweet potatoes genotypes. There were evaluated the percentage of alive seedlings in different periods of cultivation, average length of the roots, maximum number and measurements of length and width of the leaves. For the nutrient solutions there were evaluated the potential of hydrogen and electrical conductivity. It was concluded that the structure developed for the production of seed sweet potato in aeroponics responds to the needs of the culture and that the complete nutrient solution of Hoagland & Arnon (1950) is more efficient, with necessary adaptations to the conditions of local cultivars.

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