The role of rectorate leadership in enhancing professionalism and employee empowerment (Study Case East Timor coffee Institute, Ermera Timor-Leste, ETCI-TL)

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

The role of rectorate leadership in enhancing professionalism and employee empowerment (Study Case East Timor coffee Institute, Ermera Timor-Leste, ETCI-TL)

Albertino De Jesus, Dr. Lucas Da Costa, S.E, Jose Cornelio Guterres


O This thesis is entitled: "The Role of RectorateLeadership in Improving Professionalism and Employee Work Empowerment, Case Study at the East Timor Coffee Institute. For this reason, the author wants to know more about the leadership strategy in running the East Timor Coffee Institute Higher Education Institution, Academically, ETCA was established in 2003 and received Accreditation in 2008 and changed to ETCI in 2012 with a program of three faculties including Agriculture, General Management (Public) and Education, consisting of nine (9) departments/departments. In this thesis the theory used by the author for the writing process such as the role theory"Tead (1990: 243) states that the role is an activity to influence and foster other parties to want to work together in achieving the desired goals together" the theory of Professionalism"Ashke&Thoha ( 1997:16) "A professional and modern organization strives to always be customer-oriented (the public) and tries to encourage and appreciate the creativity of members" as well as other theories. In analyzing the data, the author uses descriptive research theory. Singarimbun (1987:4) argues that: Descriptive research usually has two objectives, namely the first to determine the development of certain physical facilities or the frequency of occurrence of certain aspects of social phenomena. The second objective is to describe in detail certain social phenomena, for example social interactions, kinship systems and others. The results in this study are that the East Timor Coffee Institute still lacks facilities and infrastructure, needs to pay attention to employee welfare, provide incentives, increase empowerment through formal education to a higher and non-formal level and need to listen to all suggestions and constructive criticism. At the end of the research, the author concludes that in solving problems through consensus deliberation, the salary is not in accordance with the workload but in accordance with government standards, suggestions that must pay attention to employee welfare, increase empowerment, especially human resources, and improve the evaluation system, employees must deepen their knowledge through opportunities existing ones, and must increase accountability at work and improve good relations between peers and superiors (linear vertical and horizontal). So from the results of the above writing, the author can draw the conclusion that employees who work at ETCI receive their rights according to applicable standards or in balance with government regulations, even though they are not in accordance with their workload, in providing incentives carried out by the Institute, it has not been maximized so that it has an impact on work motivation. At present, ETCI's HR empowerment has started quite well, such as formal and informal education for lecturers and administrative staff and it is recommended that, paying attention to employee welfare, add facilities and infrastructure for the future.

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