The role of design in liquid society

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

The role of design in liquid society

Adriano José Sorbile de Souza, José Wilson de Jesus Silva and Rosinei Batista Ribeiro


The industrial revolution marked the modernity development with its social, cultural and political changes. Its concepts are based on the online productive system "Fordism", in the systematic work way, in organization, in the determined space in industry, and in capital as the main factor of economic sustention and politics. We now live in a so-called postmodern period, where there is a refusal of long narratives about things. There is a valuation of the snapshot, of the fast, a search of the new, that is, everything that is old is bad and ugly. Today we live in a world called by some "post-industrial", we are increasingly surrounded by information, and the speed of technological changes is changing professional and personal relationships. The new industrial age is based on the large amount of digital information available. Design, as a discipline, has the capacity to conform, that is, to transform something that previously existed only in the world of ideas, desires, needs, into something palpable, physical, incorporating values and technology. It has a multidimensional characteristic and a greater aesthetic flexibility compatible with the current era of relativism and abundance of interpretations, capable of proposing new disciplinary interactions, leverage productivity in the industrial sector, adding new technologies and value to products and services, sizing up all commercial sectors.

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