Relationship between diaphragm ultrasonography and maximum inspiratory pressure

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Relationship between diaphragm ultrasonography and maximum inspiratory pressure

ROCHA, Náldelson Dias da, IVO, Rodrigo Rocha, SANTANA, Apoliane Lima Macedo, MELO, Tanielle Bastos de; SANTOS, Danilo Rocha Santos and PEREIRA Andresson de Jesus


The inhalation process activates the diaphragm muscle, increasing as a result of diaphragmatic contraction. Manovacuometry stands out for being a fundamental resource in the prescription of respiratory muscle training. Thus, the use of muscle thickness by ultrasound has been frequently used in investigations, evaluating the adaptations of diaphragmatic muscle. The aim of this study was to verify the correlation between the manovacuometric measurements and the diaphragmatic cross section area seen through ultrasound. This research consists of a cross-sectional pilot study of analytical approach and quantitative character. In which 30 subjects were recruited for an association between the techniques involved in the assessment. The results show that there is a statistically significant correlation between inspiratory diameter and maximal inspiratory pressure.

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