The relation of hla-b27 typing with other biomarkersin Iraqi patients with ankylosing spondylitis

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

The relation of hla-b27 typing with other biomarkersin Iraqi patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Khalid M. Abdul-Wahid, Ehab N. Ezbar and Abbas A. A. Khanfos


Sixty (60) patients were included in this study, were diagnosed as established AS patients who were attending the rheumatology outpatient clinic of Baghdad teaching hospital, thirty (30) patients of them were on conventional treatment (steroid and/or cytotoxic drugs), while the other thirty (30) patients were on biological treatment (infliximab infusion).The Human Leucocyte Antigen B-27 waspositive in 34 (56.7 %) patients, and in no subject (0%) from controlgroup and this difference is highly statistically significant (P- Value <0.0001) and there is a significant difference of high sensitivity C-ReactiveProtein between positive and negative Human Leucocyte Antigen B-27groups (P-value =0.0437) and no other differences detected of(matrix metalloproteinase-3, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, Bath AnkylosingSpondylitis Functional Index) between positive and negative HumanLeucocyte Antigen B-27 patients groups.The study shown thatthesensitivity and specificity of theHuman Leucocyte Antigen B-27 test was 56.6 % and 100 % respectively and there is a significant statistical difference of high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein between positive and negative Human Leucocyte Antigen B-27 patients groups.

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