Recent advancement in diagnostics and therapeutics in overcoming burning mouth syndrome

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Review Article

Recent advancement in diagnostics and therapeutics in overcoming burning mouth syndrome

Dr. Deivanaygi, M. and Dr. Lisa Elizabeth Jacob


Oral health is an integral part of primary health and quality of life, most of the elderly population complains about prolonged irritation of the oral mucosa which should receive special consideration until effective and complete cure. Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is of multifactorial origin the etiopathogenesis of BMS seems to be complex with local, systemic, and/or psychological factors are involved in stimulation of painful burning sensation symptoms. Otherwise BMS has been found to be associated with either peripheral nerve damage or dopaminergic system disorders. Extensive clinical examination is required to the start of the treatment for BMS, because elimination of unlikely factors usually results in a significant clinical improvement of oral burning and pain symptoms.

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