Radical vaginal trachelectomy with fertility preservation in early stages ofuterine cervical cancer

International Journal of Development Research

Radical vaginal trachelectomy with fertility preservation in early stages ofuterine cervical cancer


Background: Radical vaginal Trachelectomy (RVT) plays an important role asthe definitive treatment of uterine cervical cancer. 
Objective: To determine the conservative fertility in females in early pregnancy with invasive uterine cervical cancer stage IB1.
Patients and Methods: A prospective case-controls study was performed in cervical cancer IB1 stage who wished to preserve fertility. The patients underwenttoRVT and laparoscopic lymphadenectomy.
Results: Two study groups were formed: Pregnant and non-pregnant females. Nine non-pregnant patients were included. Epidermoid carcinoma was the histological type in 8, and one adenocarcinoma. Three patients presented lymph vascular invasion. The 17.4 lymph nodes obtained were negative for metastasis. The margins were free of lesion in the final histopathology report. Two pregnant patients were included. The average gestational age was 10.5 weeks, adenocarcinoma was the predominant histological type, without lymphovascular invasion. The 16.5 lymph nodes negative for metastasis were obtained, the margins were lesion free in the final histopathology report. Three live births were achieved. The average gestational age was 32.3 weeks, the weight was 2,055 g and the APGAR scores were 7.3-9. 
Conclusions: It is possible to preserve fertility in much selected cases in early invasive uterine cervical cancer subjected to RVT.

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