Prosthesis protocol with immediate loading in edentulous patient: case report

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Prosthesis protocol with immediate loading in edentulous patient: case report

Josilane N. M. Correia, Mainã C. B. Reis, Sáskia R. Bomfim, Murilo C. A. Vieira, Marcílio A. Ferraz and Ricardo S. Alves


The edentulism results from the aggravation of dental pathologies such as dental caries, causing the loss of dental elements and significant changes in the stomatognathic system that negatively affect the quality of life. Immediate loading protocols allow the patient greater comfort, as it eliminates the need for a temporary removable prosthesis and reduces the number of surgical exposures, with potential for preservation of the bone and gingival architecture, which increases the efficiency of this type of procedure.The objective was to present in a clinical case report the treatment and recovery of an edentulous patient submitted to dental implant using the mentioned technique. A surgical procedure was performed in order to fix dental implants. Because it is an esthetic area, we opted for the protocol type technique with immediate loading. In this case, a satisfactory osseointegration was observed, in the same way that the patient was satisfied with regard to function and esthetics. The dental implant therapy of the protocol type, associated to immediate loading has demonstrated a great deal of efficiency regarding the functionality of the patient integrated into the esthetics. This point is fundamental, as esthetics have become an emphasized point today.

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