A práxis da enfermagem e saúde coletiva: benefícios para a execução do aleitamento materno

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

A práxis da enfermagem e saúde coletiva: benefícios para a execução do aleitamento materno

Nathalia Claudino Nascimento, Maria Carolina Salustino dos Santos, Bruno Gonçalo Souza de Araújo, Maria Alice Gomes Nunes, 3Maria Milaneide Lima Viana, Talita Cruz de Melo, Paloma Mayara Vieira de Macena Lima, Élida de Fátima Souza Diniz, Giulianna Oliveira de Menezes, Wilma Ferreira Guedes Rodrigues, Rosicleide Rúbia Pereira Medeiros, Érica Dionísia de Lacerda and Jéssyka Vitória Francelino da Silva


Objective: to describe the experience of nurses in a family health unit through educational activities focused on the benefits of breastfeeding based on the methodology for nursing care in collective health described by Queiroz & Egry. Synthesis of data: an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach, in the experience report modality, carried out with the participation of 20 participants, belonging to a specific population Family Health Strategy (ESF) in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba. We followed the collective health method of Queiroz & Egry authors. This experience provided the transformation and intervention in a reality, on the subject of breastfeeding, through steps according to the methodology for collective health. Conclusion: the essence of the study is aimed at rethinking the benefits of breastfeeding through health education, it is necessary that new experiences stimulate the transformation of a reality, and lead to an improvement in collective health.

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