Política De Resíduos Sólidos: Uma Análise Das Ações Desenvolvidas Em Um Município do sudoeste do maranhão

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Política De Resíduos Sólidos: Uma Análise Das Ações Desenvolvidas Em Um Município do sudoeste do maranhão

Weslane de Oliveira Pereira, Raimara Guimarães da Silva, Adriana Crispim de Freitas


The objective of this study was to analyze the main actions of the National Policy on Solid Waste, provided for in Law 12305/2010 of the Ministry of the Environment, developed in a municipality in the Southwest of Maranhão, Brazil. The methodology used to obtain the research data consisted of the application of semi-structured questionnaires, through the recording of audios and then the accomplishment of decupagem. The main results showed that the municipality still does not plan a solid waste. The selective collection is performed in points of the city through the environmental agents of the Association of Collectors of Recyclable Materials of the city. Executive power develops "pilot projects" that aim to carry out isolated actions, to obtain a diagnosis of the local situation and to work in a generalized way.

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