Planejamento estratégico no contexto das organizações religiosas

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Planejamento estratégico no contexto das organizações religiosas

Marcos Tadeu Simões Piacentini, Kerlen Silva Vilarinho Martins, Valdinei Leones de Souza, Joareis Fernandes de Azevedo, Ozana Rodrigues Boritza and Aline Katia Lisot Baiocco


Today, the management practices of religious organizations have become more complex, requiring ecclesiastical managers to use the administration's tools and techniques. Strategic planning is an important management process. In religious organizations, it provides a broad view of the institution and has an important role in assisting managers in decision making. Aiming to analyze the use of strategic planning in the context of evangelical churches in the municipality of Espigão do Oeste, in Rondônia, the research sought to identify planning methods and verify recurring planning patterns within ecclesiastical administration. The methodology used for the objectives is descriptive, with a qualitative approach. For data collection, bibliographic research, document analysis, non-participant observation and interview applied to the managers of evangelical churches in the municipality were used. The results show that managers recognize the importance of good planning to achieve satisfactory results. However, when analyzing the use of strategic planning, the data reveal that in the context of evangelical churches, this is still a little used process.

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