Plan for therapeutic tratatamento of addictions

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Plan for therapeutic tratatamento of addictions

Eysler Gonçalves Maia Brasil, Bárbara Albuquerque Loureiro Ponte, Maria Deoclécia Magalhães, Tereza Fabianne Aires Martins Pereira, Ana Zaiz Flores Hormain Teixeira de Carvalho, Maria Helane Rocha Batista Gonçalves, Meyssa Quezado de Figueiredo Cavalcante Casadevall, Aline de Souza Pereira


This study aimed to report the experience of nursing students in implementing a treatment plan to a patient by one host for treatment of chemical dependency. This was a descriptive study, the type experience report, held in one host unit for treatment of chemical dependency in Fortaleza-Ceara in the months of August to October 2018. The subject was one hospitalized patient in the unit, 34 years, crack user for about six years, and carries the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Among their diagnoses patient presents: impaired memory related to neurological disorders, characterized by inability to recall events and interventions drawn: the use of recreational activities such as memory game and crossword puzzles. The nurse and the mental health team have fundamental role in assisting the patient hospitalized for treatment of chemical dependency, because the patient needs specific care and necessary for their rehabilitation. It is believed that the treatment plan conducted by academic can help the patient in the recovery of the social bond and its individuality, understand that the human being must be seen in its entirety, thus making the health care more humanized.

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