Phytochemical study and Anti-radical power of seeds of Tetracarpidium Conophorum, Pachira Glabra and Pentaclethra Macrophylla

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Phytochemical study and Anti-radical power of seeds of Tetracarpidium Conophorum, Pachira Glabra and Pentaclethra Macrophylla

Blaise Divin Emmanuel Miakayizila, Rhody Davy Epenit Mondjo, Séraphin Guekou Nguié, Snelle Baonda Miakayizila, Gouollaly Tsiba, Jean Paul Latran Ossoko


Plants are an essential source of molecules of interest capable of responding to a number of conditions including degenerative diseases mainly due to oxidative stress and those caused by micronutrient deficiencies. In Congo and everywhere else, man has always used natural resources to treat his ailments. Plants used in traditional medicine include T. conophorum, P. glabra and P. macrophylla. The methodology used in this work, based on qualitative research of chemical families, allowed us to identify terpenoids in T. conophorum. P. glabra extracts revealed the presence of flavonoids as well as tannins and polyphenols. Concerning P. macrophylla, the aqueous extract showed us the presence of all the chemical families sought except the alkaloids. From the quantitative point of view, the dosage of total polyphenols gave the following results: P. macrophylla: 160.73 mg EAG/gDM; P. glabra: 8.42 mg EAG/gDM; T. conophorum: 5.5 mg EAG/gMS. Regarding total flavonoids, we obtained: P. macrophylla: 0.48mgEG/gMS; T. conophorum: 0.133 mgEG/gMS; P. glabra: 0.183 mg EG/gMS. TLC to demonstrate anti-radical activity gave a positive result for each sample. The assay of anti-radical activity provided the following results with regard to CI 50: T. conophorum: 178.09 mg/ml; P. glabra: 45.82 mg/mL; P. macrophylla: 0.71 mg/mL. The almonds studied have a great phytotherapeutic benefit.

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