Performance evaluation of OFDM using MIMO-STTC for AWGN, RAYLEIGH, combined Rayleigh with AWGN and RICIAN channel for WIMAX and Bluetooth application

International Journal of Development Research

Performance evaluation of OFDM using MIMO-STTC for AWGN, RAYLEIGH, combined Rayleigh with AWGN and RICIAN channel for WIMAX and Bluetooth application


This paper discusses the OFDM in wireless communication. It includes Bit Error Rate and Symbol Error Rate verses ratio of bit energy to noise power spectral density (Eb/No) for different communication channels like AWGN channel, Rayleigh multipath Channel, combined Rayleigh multipath with AWGN channel and Rician Channel. The BER is 10-5, 10-4.5, 10-4 and 10-3 respectively for above communication channels at 30dB of SNR. This simulation is designed on MATLAB 9 version with 64-point FFT. The coding which is done in this paper is STTC for MIMO. It can be used for OFDM Bluetooth 802.16-2004 and mobile WIMAX 802.16e-2005.

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