Perception of practices of oral hygiene in an intensive therapy unit

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Perception of practices of oral hygiene in an intensive therapy unit

Karla Conceição Costa Oliveira, Francisca Bruna Arruda Aragão, Fábio Mesquita da Silva, Gerusiente Rodrigues Bastos dos Santos, Regina Célia Fiorati and Fernanda Ferreira Lopes


Objective: To identify and analyze the perceptions of the nursing team regarding the importance and knowledge about oral hygiene (OH) provided to patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Design: Field research of descriptive exploratory nature with qualitative methodological approach. Method: The sample consisted of 18 nursing professionals (nurses and nursing technicians) who worked in the General Adult ICU of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HUUFMA), located in the city of São Luís, in the period of August and September 2018. Interviews were carried out using a thematic script that addressed questions about the perception of the interviewees about the importance, benefits, difficulties, training, qualification and importance of dentistry in the ICU. The interviews were audio-taped, transcribed and the narratives analyzed according to the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011). Results: In the view of the interviewees, oral hygiene is important and brings benefits to ICU patients; however, there are innumerable difficulties encountered by the nursing team in execute such care. The lack of specific training was mentioned by the professionals interviewed, as well as the need for qualification and effective presence of a surgeon dentist in the team. Conclusion: Although the nursing team reported an excellent perception regarding the importance of OH to ICU patients, difficulties for its execution were reported, thus compromising the care of these patients. This reality may be related to the lack of transfer of scientific knowledge, due to the absence of a dental professional integrating the multidisciplinary team in this hospital environment.

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