The perception of climate change and coping strategies among rural farming households in bouaflé area, cote d’ivoire

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

The perception of climate change and coping strategies among rural farming households in bouaflé area, cote d’ivoire

Nguessan C. Bodji, Parfait F. Koutouan, Kouakou B. Kouadio, K. Traoré and Eboua N. Wandan


The District of Bouafle is a major agricultural production areas in Côte d'Ivoire, but this production is entirely dependent on weather conditions. This study examines the perception of farmers about current climate variability and compare that perception with respect to climate data over the last 30 years. It also assesses the evolution of forest cover and adaptation measures. It is based on a survey of farmers, interviews with officials of the forest administration and agriculture, and focus group.

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