Pathological use of the internet causing social anxiety

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Pathological use of the internet causing social anxiety

Royler Anderson Said Ferreira, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, Aline Mary Moreira de Melo, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira and David Barbosa de Alencar


The pathological use of the internet (PUI) interferes in a person's social life based on self-reports that declare themselves “addicted” or “dependent” on the internet. This is a bibliographic research to understand the concepts applied at work, adopting quantitative research through a questionnaire to a random audience and descriptive research with support in matters, where they report subjects such as Social Anxiety, Pathology and the Use of the Internet. With the exposed, the main reason in relation to the abusive use of the internet, is used for communication, for satisfactory or sexual purposes and surf in a general context. In short, the technology that helps in communication, research and several other benefits, when elevated to overuse, brings psychological problems. It was possible to avaluate before society with the application of the questionnaire, that the internet is not harmful, as the subject ends up facing fragile situations, when the person is in a depressed state in the face of personal disorders, among others, they found a cure on the internet for their problems.

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