Pangasinan state university organic fertilizer production (psu-ofpp) project extension strategies and initiatives, Pangasinan, Philippines

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Pangasinan state university organic fertilizer production (psu-ofpp) project extension strategies and initiatives, Pangasinan, Philippines

Elisa S. Della


Pangasinan State University, as one of the academic institutions in the country has critical roles to play in countryside development. This is consistent with the university mission which states that “The Pangasinan State University through instruction, research, extension and production, commits to develop highly principled, morally upright, innovative and competent individuals capable of meeting the needs of industry, public sector and civil society. One of the banner projects is the Organic Fertilizer Production Project (OFPP) which aimed primarily to develop technologies and promote the utilization of organic fertilizer through different techno-transfer strategies and initiatives to attain sustainability in agriculture. The paper showcases the extension strategies and initiatives of Organic Fertilizer Production Technology (OFPT) of the Pangasinan State University which has been generated for the last 12 years. The technology refers to the organic fertilizer which is promoted in collaboration with LGUs and other stakeholders for utilization and adoption among farmers and other interested individuals. It discusses the package of technology on organic fertilizer production, the different components to effect desired development outcomes for the rural communities and people. There were five major approaches used in the development and promotion of the technology. These involved (1) capability building/training of farmer-clienteles; (2) establishment of organic fertilizer production plants and assistance to LGUs Material Recovery Facility (MRFs); (3) techno-demo component of the project were undertaken to showcase the effect of PSU organic fertilizer technology, likewise, PSU organic fertilizer was used in the university’s crop production activities; (4) techno-demo strategies, trainings and actual demonstrations were conducted and distribution of IEC materials in collaboration with cooperating agencies made possible through memoranda of agreements; (5) monitoring and evaluation on trained farmer cooperatives were undertaken to ensure optimum production and utilization of the technology; and integration of Solar Photovoltaic Technology for irrigation of agricultural crops. The results of the dissemination, promotion and utilization of the PSU organic fertilizer production technology in Pangasinan conducted from CY 2000-to present show (1) equipped farmers and other clienteles with the skills and knowledge on low-cost and adaptable organic fertilizer production technology; (2) established organic fertilizer production plants and assisted LGUs in the production of organic fertilizer using their acquired state-of-the-art equipment; (3) promoted the utilization and adoption of the OFPT thru technology techno-demo and development, production and distribution of IEC materials; (4) increased number of farmers adopting the technology; (5) linkages with other agencies were strengthened; and 6) solar photovoltaic technology was showcased as source of irrigation of farmer-adopters. It is therefore recommended to: (1) closely monitor and evaluate the performance of trained farmers; (2) intensify the conduct techno-demo at farmers’ farms; and, 3) licensing of the product.

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