Optimizing road safety in the city of bertoua, using the electre iii method

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
12 pages
Research Article

Optimizing road safety in the city of bertoua, using the electre iii method

Elime Bouboama Aimé, Wounba Jean François, Boliong Bilogo Rosvelt and Mebuinz Mongmong Jerrold Yvan


The overall objectif of this study to optimize road safety in the development of urban roads in the city of Bertoua. To that end, we analyzed data collected by the GPS system, exploited satellite images of the Bertoua urban road network as well as the statistics on road accidents recorded in that city. The aim of these analyses was to take stock of road safety in the city. GIS tools enabled us to carry out distribution, localization as well as road security equipment distribution analyses; we also carried out the cartography of road accidents in the city so as to build up hypotheses of actions that could be implemented in order to improve road safety in developing urban roads in the city ofBertoua. An optimization analysis was conducted using the ELECTRE III multi-criteria analysis method, which enabled us to assess the various actions linked to the occurrence of road accidents in the city of Bertoua. The WSM method was used to determine the weight of each action envisaged for all criteria retained in our study. The solution to the optimization function developed through the merging of these two methods was done using the Simplex algorithm and verified by the PHP Simplexapplication.Results from our study reveal that we can reduce accidents risks by acting on the following aspects: The design of roads and car maintenance amounting to 38% reduction, and the behaviour of users and drivers aptitude to drive for 62%. All these elements put together would lead to an optimization that may go up to 95.5%, that is cutting down 114 accidents from the 119 recorded every year on average.

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