O Processo De Edipianizaçao Do Vodu Haitiano: Um Estudo Filosófico-Antropológico the edipianization process of haitian voodoo: a philosophical-anthropological study

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
11 pages
Research Article

O Processo De Edipianizaçao Do Vodu Haitiano: Um Estudo Filosófico-Antropológico the edipianization process of haitian voodoo: a philosophical-anthropological study


The general objective of this article is to explain an analysis of the process of demonization of African religions in Haiti, specifically the case of voodoo. Such an analysis will be based on the Oedipalization category/process, as shown in the 1972 anti-Oedipus of Deleuze and Guattari. Thus, to develop our general objective, we will deal with the construction of the process of demonization and Christianization of African religions in your continent. . Then we will approach the concept of oedipality in the light of the anti-oedipus. Finally, from the point of view of the results, we will expose the effective expressions of the oedipalization of Haitian voodoo.

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