Nutritional value of fruit, stem and leaf for kharob tree (piliostigmareticulatum) as ruminant feed

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Nutritional value of fruit, stem and leaf for kharob tree (piliostigmareticulatum) as ruminant feed

Amasaib E. O, Babiker, M. E. M, Hassan, A. A, Balgees A. Atta Elmnanand Babiker, E. M


This study aimed to determine the nutritive value of the leaf, fruit and stem of (Piliostigmareticulatum) which are mostly eaten by ruminants. The samples of this plant were collected randomly from SouthernKordofan during October 2018. Triplicate samples from each part were analysed. The chemical components being determined included DM, CF, CP, Ash, EE, NFE, ME, NDF, ADF, ADL, micro and macro mineral, digestibility of ruminant together with anti-nutritional factors namely: tannins, Phytic acid and Phenols. The mean percentages values of these parameters were analysed and compared by One Way ANOVA using SPSS programme. For proximate analysis, all parameters showed significance differences (P<0.05) except ME which showed non-significant difference. The value of ME was found to be 9.93 for fruit, 9.46 for stem and 8.46 for leaf (MJ/Kg). For DM the highest percentage 93.69 in stem and the lowest 91.60 in leaf while 92.54 in fruit. For CP the highest percentage 30.93 in leaf and lowest 9.55 in stem while 12.72 in fruit. The highest CF 30.91 in fruit and the lowest 26.40 in leaf. However, ash content wasfound in this order 3.86, 7.76 and 8.79 for fruit, stem and leaf, respectively. For fat content the value was found to be as follows: 0.48, 1.45, and 1.96 in stem, leaf and fruit respectively. For NDF, ADF and ADL, they were (44.84, 37.89, and 22.57), (67.96, 58.03 and 50.50) and (57.40, 13.70 and 5.25) in fruit, stem and leaf respectively. For Digestibility and NFE they were (71.40, 40.82), (67.50, 48.63) and (52.00, 23.96) in fruit, stem and leaf respectively. For macro mineral Ca ranged between 1.0 in fruit and 1.25 in both stem and leaf. For micro minerals only Fe was detected showing 0.01 in fruit and 0.03 in leaf and none in stem. Anti-nutritional for tannins, Phytic acid and Phenol, showed less than 1.0 and they were (0.21, 0.31 and 0.23), (0.18, 0.21 and 0.18) and (0.19, 0.22 and 0.22) for fruit, stem and leaf respectively. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that fruit, stem and leaf of P. reticulatum were highly nutritious with leaf and fruit to be close in their nutritional value and to have lower anti-nutritional factors and so can be suggested to be used in animal feed.

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