Nursing care in contemporary liquidity

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Nursing care in contemporary liquidity

Sheilane da Silva Santos, George Luis Alves Santos, Glaucia Valente Valadares, Lígia Santana Rosa and Gabriela Oliveira Santana


Objective: To reflect on the relationship between nursing care in the contemporary social media and liquidity of human relationships. Method: Theoretical-reflective essay, built from the theoretical propositions of the concept of liquid modernity by Zygmunt Bauman. Results: Social media are presented as new alternatives for the nursing care process, requiring a critical argument about the use of these internet tools for this purpose. Conclusion: It is relevant to discuss the vulnerabilities that internet resources and their media can bring in the social field of health, contributing to the physical distance that is characteristic of today's society's liquidity.

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