Nursing actions to improve the quality of life in patients with congestive heart failure: a reflective study

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Nursing actions to improve the quality of life in patients with congestive heart failure: a reflective study

Janaina Rosa Lourenço da Silva, Halene Cristina Dias de Armada e Silva, Marcia Cristina Marques Pereira da Silva, Lidiane Dias Reis, Viviane Lins Araújo de Almeida, Erica Cristina do Nascimento, Pâmela Silva George, Danielle da Silveira, Marcela Cancio de Ponte Rodrigues de Souza de Oliveira and Bruno da Silva Lourenço


Heart failure (HF) is characterized as a clinical syndrome, in which the heart is unable to receive an adequate flow of blood to provide a blood supply to organs and tissues. It is also observed that there is an increase in pulmonary and systemic venous pressures. The main etiology in Brazil is chronic ischemic heart disease to hypertension. Objectives: Based on what has been pointed out and given the impact that CHF causes on individuals, the study aims to identify in the scientific literature the aspects that affect the quality of life of individuals with CHF and reflects on the nursing actions that can be used to its increase to this clientele. Methodology: This is an article reflecting on the impacts that Congestive Heart Failure causes on the quality of life of patients and the actions that can be employed to improve it. Results and Discussion: Patients who have heart problems suffer a change in their standard of living, determined by their inability to perform daily activities. With regard to patients with heart failure, symptoms are the main factors that negatively affect quality of life, including: precordial pain or discomfort, dyspnea, orthopnea, palpitation, syncope, fatigue and edema. With regard to nursing practice, the use of theories of care can be an important ally in promoting the comfort of these patients. Conclusion: HF requires important changes in their daily habits, there is a need to implement programs and therapeutic strategies with a multidisciplinary approach to minimize the impact of CHF on physical aspects and adherence to dietary restrictions, since the control of these variables is essential for maintenance of functional capacity, coping and clinical stability of the disease.

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