Factors conditioning and triggers to impairment of disorder of anxiety in widespread users assisted in caps-ad

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Factors conditioning and triggers to impairment of disorder of anxiety in widespread users assisted in caps-ad

Vanessa Silva Souza Viana, Janayna Araújo Viana, Maikon Chaves de Oliveira, Dannicia Silva Co nceição, Maria Onice Lopes Bezerra Alcântara, Ana Mariada Costa Teixeira Carneiro, Renata de Sá Ribeiro and Ronan Pereira Costa


General Objective: to identify the main factors that contributed to the emergence and development of TAG in users assisted at the CAPS-AD in Augustinópolis - TO. Methodology: The research is an exploratory-descriptive study, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Opinion of approval by CEP nº 3.038.255, on November 26, 2019. Results and Discussion: It was found that Half of users affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder - TAG are female, reaching 66.7% and only 33.3% are male. With regard to the onset of symptoms, 46.7% of the participants reported having the first symptoms and the onset of the pathology between 1 to 5 years old. When asked which factors contributed to the emergence of TAG, 17.6% mentioned overload and 14.7% reported concerns. Conclusion: Therefore, this research becomes relevant, as it allows health professionals in general and managers to reflect on the impacts that this disorder has on the health and social life of an individual, noting the need to identify these symptoms early, avoiding major complications and suffering in these individuals who struggle daily with TAG and the symptoms pertinent to this disorder.

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