Nursing care to polytraumatized patients in urgency and emergency services

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Nursing care to polytraumatized patients in urgency and emergency services

Josilene Pinheiro dos Santos, Elizangela Castro De Sousa, Nivia Cristiane Ferreira Brandão Soares, Layara da Silva Moura, SnayllaNattielle Alves de Morais, Jorge Luiz Gomes, Jhonny Marlon Campos Sousa, Maria Almira Bulcão Loureiro, Silvana do Espirito Santo de Castro Mendes, Daniel Campelo Rodrigues Livia Cristina Frias da Silva Menezes, Gabriela Oliveira Parentes da Costa and Dionara Rocha da Silva


Introduction: Currently the number of polytraumatized patients has been increasing along the years and for the effective and quality assistance, the professionals must be qualified to provide effective assistance. Objective: Analyze the nursing assistance actions to polytrauma patients in urgency and emergency services. Methodology: The present study is an integrative literature review. It was conducted in the months of September to December 2020 in the online database LILACS and the BVS Library and SciELO. Result: The actions performed by nurses in the care of polytrauma patients are essential for patient prognosis, and the primary and secondary assessments supported by the ABCDE of trauma are the procedures most performed by nursing. Conclusion: The study was extremely relevant for allowing the analysis of nursing care to polytraumatized patients seen in urgency and emergency services. It was verified that the care related to the ABCDE of trauma and primary and secondary assessments were paramount to nursing care in the intra-hospital environment.

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