Activity analysis of drummer musicians related to osteomioarticular injures

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Activity analysis of drummer musicians related to osteomioarticular injures

Igor de Almeida Sales, Nícia Farias Braga Maciel, Simone Gomes Torquato and Anderson Belmont Correia de Oliveira


Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a condition that affects the musculoskeletal system, being characterized as injuries that mainly affect the tendons of the human body, causing discomfort to those who present this type of injury. The emergence of RSI occurs through cumulative trauma of rapid movement and high intensity. The drummer musician in essence needs to use the upper and lower limbs to use his instrument, leading to a great need to move around generating sounds and silence that make up the music. The research aims to analyze the activity and movements imposed in the act of playing drums in amateur and professional musicians. Verifying the prevalence of pain and injuries of the osteomioarticular system through video recordings (where they will be evaluated by the research team) and a questionnaire made by the research team to know signs and symptoms of injuries that may affect the research volunteers. presenting an average age of 26 years, the volunteers presented a higher rate of injuries in the upper limbs (hand and forearm), where these pathologies affected the non-dominant limb of the volunteer where they did not extend. Thus, presenting the positive effect regarding muscle stretching before the presentations.

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