Management of the center for permanent education to control the infection of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) in the hospital environment: integrative literature review

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Management of the center for permanent education to control the infection of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) in the hospital environment: integrative literature review


Introduction: The Center for Permanent Education (CPE) in hospitals aims to act in the updating and professional improvement of employees, for this it is necessary to carry out the management of the sector, observing the demand for subjects, proposing a planning, executing and evaluating the activities. Due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the CPE has the function of planning, organizing and providing support to the Permanent Health Education actions to health professionals in the front line of care. Objective: To describe the management of CPE activities to control SARS-CoV-2 infection in the hospital environment in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: An integrative review, the articles will be searched for on the websites of PubMed, LILACS and SciELO with the descriptors: permanent education and COVID-19, after the collection the articles were tabulated. Results: Of the 261 articles found in the searches, 5 were eligible, 40% of the articles report experiences in the Americas, 40% addressed the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment and 80% had at least one author linked to a university. Final considerations: there are few articles that portray the experiences in relation to the planning and execution of the CPE during the COVID-19 pandemic period around the world. The importance of having frequent training is emphasized, regardless of the methods used, to improve health professionals, giving value to the presence of Universities in this work process.

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