The approach to the multiple dimensions of teaching in youth adults education in strict sensu researches undertaken between 2009 - 2020: A Systematic Literature Review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

The approach to the multiple dimensions of teaching in youth adults education in strict sensu researches undertaken between 2009 - 2020: A Systematic Literature Review

Débora de Andrade Fonseca Felix, José Jackson Reis dos Santos and Benedito Gonçalves Eugenio


This article seeks to discuss issues related to pedagogical practice, more specifically, in the scope of the dimensions of teaching in Youth and Adult Education. This paper aims to identify researches on teaching in YAE and to analyze whether the discussions about teaching contemplate the multiple dimensions that permeate this process. This is a literature review based on data from the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, considering the period from 2009 to 2020. To locate the papers, we used the following descriptors: "docência" (teaching), "prática pedagógica" (pedagogical practice), "formação docente" (teacher training), "EJA" (YAE), "Educação de jovens e adultos"(Youth and adult education), "dimensões da docência" (dimensions of teaching), "saber docente" (teaching knowledge). We analyzed the data using the Content Analysis Technique. Knowing teachers’ knowledge constitutes an initial framework for understanding the dimensions of teaching. However, the results of this study suggest that research on teaching in YAE has prioritized the discussion of teachers' knowledge to the detriment of a broader debate, capable of contemplating the multidimensionality of teaching. We signal a latent demand for studies in the field of the dimensions of teaching, aiming to contribute with reflections and propositions in this modality of education.

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