Evaluation of capillary and urinary glucose levels in patients with type i mellitus diabetes

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of capillary and urinary glucose levels in patients with type i mellitus diabetes

Anne Karoline Ortega Monteiro; Suellen Aparecida Varandas; Rachel Gomes Eleutério; Lara Cristina Casadei Ubeda; Sandra Maria Barbalho; Chymenny Aulua Lascas Cardoso de Moraes; Denize Maria Galice Rodrigues; Walter Roberto Schiller; Jesselina F. Santos Haber; Elizandra Ap. de Oliveira Lopes


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is currently considered a worldwide epidemic that directly affects glucose metabolism due to insufficient or inexistent insulin. It is characterized by marked hyperglycemia, glycosuria, negative nitrogen balance, hyperlipidemia, and ketonemia.Given the importance of therapeutic monitoring of patients with DM1, this study aimed to compare capillary and urinary glucose measurement e in patients with DM 1. The capillary glycemia and urine samples were obtained from patients from twenty municipalities linked to the University of Marília / Unimar - São Paulo, Brazil, with DM1 aged between 1 and 18 years. Our sample showed that the higher percentage was of girls (64%). Most patients had hyperglycemia, considering that it was not always accompanied by glycosuria. Most subjects showed high levels of capillary glucose and urinary glucose, which was expected due to the pathophysiology of the disease. A percentage of patients have only glucosuria. Our results showed that the patient who presents high capillary glucose would also be accompanied by glycosuria. However, the latter may be present, even in the absence of capillary glucose elevation, which is why it is vitally important to always check the urinary glucose of DM1 patients as a prophylactic measure, avoiding the extension of kidney damage.

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