Containing and counting: autonomía and autopoiesis among women, materials and narratives by means of design anthropology

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Containing and counting: autonomía and autopoiesis among women, materials and narratives by means of design anthropology

Raquel Gomes Noronha


This study contributes theoretically, from empirical experiences, to the construction of correspondence practices between designers and artisans from a maroon community, Itamatatiua, in Alcântara, (Maranhão-Brazil). We propose the establishment of a ‘common plan’ to design by means of anthropology, thus we present parameters that help constitute this proposal. Weaccessed Design Anthropology knowledge toreach levels of autonomíaas a way of construct non-hierarchical relationships, recognizing the varied skills of the different social actors that act in a collaborative process, as well as to become aware of the epistemological barriers of these relations. The outcome is a theoretical framework, seeking the state of autopoiesis through the regulation of design process – containing and counting in correspondences with people, materials and environment.

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