A provisional assessment of the nacionalization of the electricy sector in bolivia (2010-2019)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

A provisional assessment of the nacionalization of the electricy sector in bolivia (2010-2019)

Cássio Cardoso Carvalho and Igor Fuser


This article analyzes the nationalization process of the electrical sector in Bolivia from 2010 to 2019, bringing some results through the capacity of electrical energy in the Bolivian departaments, compared to the period in which the sector was privatized in the 1990’s. The analysis and the results were obtained from demographic censuses and Energy Ministry’s official documents. After Evo Morales resigned as the Bolivian president in 2019, a new government took over bringing a neoliberal agenda similar to that of the 1990’s. Based on the available data, the article sustains that nationalization brought positive results to the electric sector and that a privatization could lead to a paralysis of the sector or even to a setback from the achieved goals.

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